Beautiful People

In conversation
Antara has been out on the water for almost 10 months now. And what an opportunity she has provided to meet the most amazing, interesting, different people. Once people get on a boat they relax and begin to enjoy the quiet, the lapping waves and the sound of the gulls. And then, invariably, we have great conversations. It’s the equivalent of the camaraderie at a bar with friends feasting on discussions, jokes, reminiscences and good cheer.

Atul and Satish both are graduates of the Pune School of Engineering and both hold a few patents each in their respective fields. Atul sailed for the first time in his life, with us. He runs his own business and also leads an NGO that offers slum children support for their educational needs. He started out with teaching children in poorer parts of Boston as a student there and carried on the good work, on his return home. His endeavours cover over 150,000 children in Mumbai and Pune. Satish started sailing at 70. He is an avid trekker with ageing knees. So, he switched to sailing. He’s done over 30 sails in the last couple of years. He also loves Urdu poetry and has learnt both Urdu and Persian. Wow!

Shambhavi & Ananya enjoying bhel on board
Neel, who you may have read about in my earlier blog, sailed for the first time in his life, on Antara and also did his first dive off Antara. All at the age of 10. A 3-day non-stop trip and this trooper led from the front. He wanted to participate in all the activities and even offered to cook despite being seasick throughout the sail. Dilip offered to be his sous chef, persuading him to stay on deck while rustling up chorizo omelettes a la Neel.

Ananya chose to be a vegetarian right from when she could communicate and has not changed her preference despite her omnivorous parents. She’s always been involved in community work, teaching street children, educating women about basic financial management, building homes up in the hills. Her job today takes this remarkable young lady to out of the way places in India, ones I didn’t dare venture to at her age.

A friend of Ananya’s, who wants to live in Spain, took up dentistry as it’s one of the desired occupations for immigrants there and is learning Spanish to ensure a smooth transition. He knew where he wants to spend the rest of his life and had the route there already sorted out.

Reshad has worn many hats, choosing to be a farmer when most of his friends were signing up for their MBAs. His wife’s passion for good furniture led to their venture into antique wood furniture, a business they continue to run together. A fond father and husband, he made no bones about connecting with the family as often as he could during our short 3-day sail. 

A young Goan, Dennard, with a passion for Shaivite traditions gave us a brief but insightful look at his explorations in Madhya Pradesh and the impact of Shaivism on music and dance forms. He works with the Maritime History Society, publisher of Dilip’s book, The First Indian.

Keith enjoying a post sail beer
Jamie is a medico from the US and an ex-intern at the Vellore Medical Institute. The Institute was started by missionaries and has a tradition of hosting foreign interns. She and her parents were making a trip back together so she could walk them down memory lane. It was so good to see the look of joy on her father, JD’s face at being able to helm Antara on his own.

Keith would always say hello to Venus, trusting the message to reach his family back home in the UK. He used a personalized aftershave, custom made for him and his son, from a rather exclusive barber in London. The two of them also shared the same taste in music and exchanged collections on Spotify. Besides stitching Saville Row suits as befitted the family name.

And so many more interesting personalities, that I have decided to keep a people log just to keep track of these stories and share them here every once in a while

With Antara, you now have the opportunity to sail, safe in Covid times - on a large sailboat, along the coast, in the deep blue yonder! You decide and we'll design a sail just for you. 

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